About Me

Wake Forest, NC, United States
My life has had its normal ups and downs. I cooked professionally for years and was a breakfast, lunch, and a dinner cook. I was a saucier, a sous chef and a chef. I was an actor in a made for TV movie entitled "The Secret Life of John Chapman". For years I pit crewed on an A Production Corvette and traveled to races all over the Northwest. I ran computers at Boeing to test 737 and 747 development. I was responsible for and ran computers at Cape Canaveral for the early Apollo flights and on an atoll in the South Pacific (Kwajalein) for early star wars testing. I've developed and maintained computer applications for years and was part of a team of 9 or so tasked with developing and maintaining the processes used across EDS to manage projects and develop software. I developed and maintain a website for people who are caregivers of people with Parkinson's Disease. For fun I exercise regularly, read, and play with new programming languages. My wife blesses me tremendously. She is truly my Beloved. The progeny are source of pride and wonderment.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Standing In Line

It seems to me that we'd have FAR fewer people who needed help if we didn't have so many people standing in line to help them.

However, since we do have so many standing in line to "help", I may decide to join them by starting a self-help group for Female Gay Whales with Aids. I may never have to work again if I can get this group off the ground.

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